
My photo
Mobile, AL, United States

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I, Jacob Clark, hereby agree to wear super skinny jeans on a day (that is not my birthday) of Lauren's choosing.


Thursday, April 28, 2011


Tell Me Kate

Haha, I helped my friend and girlfriend do a project they had to do for a class. It was pretty funny.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Peppers, Please

The plant is making peppers! I left the plant under the care of my dad over the last week. He didn't water it enough, but I am still thankful he didn't kill it. Haha. Now that I'm taking care of it again, it should start to produce the peppers pretty quickly. They just started to bud. YEAH!

Sober Beachington

So I have been sober for what seems like forever. :D My motivation is starting to come back. I spent the week at the beach with  James, Lauren, Jimmy, John, Anna, Shelby, Hoolio (?), and other Jacob. It was a blast, and I didn't even need to use any substances to have fun. Also, thanks to the most awesome girl in the world for staying sober with me. :)<3 i love you! I am really getting used to being sober again and it isn't too bad. This time I won't make the mistake in thinking that it is okay to use anything for a "one night event". One night turns to two, two to three, three to four, and so on. Haha. That's all for now. Gotta run to the dollar store.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I'm prolly gonna record some more music on Garage Band.


So here are some songs I have learned on the bass. :D

Rage Against The Machine:
Killing In The Name Of
*LEARNING Bulls On Parade

Red Hot Chili Peppers:
Sir Psycho Sexy

Cage The Elephant:
Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
Back Against The Wall

Where Is My Mind?

Lamb Of God:
Vigil (first half)

Pearl Jam:


*LEARNING Scarlet Begonias

Cage The Elephant

I'm reppin' one of my favorite bands that aren't from the 90s. Their music is really enjoyable. Their albums vary in sound, but both are fantastic.
They have 2 albums to today's date. Their first album was self titled Cage The Elephant and includes one of their most popular songs Ain't No Rest for the Wicked. Their second album Thank You Happy Birthday is amazing too, and it has what seems to be their newest popular song Shake Me Down.

Check 'em out. ;D
Visit Cage The Elephant Online

Pixel Art

Fetus Avatar.

Gameboy Color.

Chuck Chester